Dropping off food and supply donations at the center is a great way to help us out. During the baby season, leaving the center several times a week these items can be especially difficult for our staff and volunteers.
We need your help! Our food needs are increasing significantly as we have 6 growing bear cubs in care that are also in hyperphagia as we head towards winter months. Hyperphagia is the scientific term that describes a bear's biological need to increase their food intake and fatten up prior to denning for the winter, meaning these bears truly have an unending appetite. Providing natural and healthy diets to the cubs in our care is a time consuming and expensive endeavor. While this phase of crazed eating will only last for the next couple months, we need your help supplying food the thousands of pounds of food we need to support them during this time. On average, we are feeding them nearly 1,200 pounds of food per week. Donating food to Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue helps us save valuable time and monetary resources!
If you would like to donate food to the animals in our care, please sign up using the link below.
If you can help, please deliver donations to 403 Mecham Road Petaluma, CA 94952. Donations will be accepted every day between the hours of 9 AM to 5 PM. We have created a drop off station on the front porch outside of the center.
Sign up for our seasonal newsletter and to receive updates when we need assistance.